Missing a tooth or teeth? Let our dentists at Market Mall Dental Care help you complete your smile with our dental implant services in NW Calgary! Our goal is to keep your mouth healthy and our patients smiling!
Ready to get started with your new, functioning smile? Contact us at our NW Calgary clinic today.
A dental implant is a replacement artificial tooth. Basically, it is a screw made out of titanium that sits in the jaw where a tooth root used to be. The screw acts as a replacement for that tooth root. It’s slightly hollow so that a post with a special connecting point — called an ‘abutment’ — can be placed into it.
A restoration then connects to this abutment. This restoration might be a single crown, a bridge, or even a full set of dentures.
Your procedure will go as follows:
The biggest benefit of dental implants is restoring the overall function of a missing tooth. An implant allows us to chew, eat, and talk as normal. They also help shape our whole face.
Because dental implants replace missing tooth roots, they help maintain the shape and functionality of our jaws. There are plenty of options for restoring the crown of a tooth, but only a dental implant gets down to the root. Really, it’s the closest thing you can have to a real tooth in your mouth.
Whether you're missing one or multiple teeth, there are options available to you with dental implants to restore your smile.
A success rate for an implant is about 98% over 20 years. If you take good care of them and maintain good oral hygiene, they should last the rest of your life.
Rejection of the implant is very uncommon, but can happen in people with rare titanium allergies. It’s estimated that maybe 4% of people have an adverse reaction to titanium. If you suspect you have an allergy, consult with your dentist first.
You should be! As long as you are missing an adult tooth, most patients are eligible. Check with our dental team so we can determine this!
There are a few health restrictions for implants that need to be considered:
As always, check with our dentists before ruling out implants to ensure you're eligible!
Depending on the complexity of the case, implants can cost $4,000-$6,000 each.